Why Replace My AC This Fall?

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question-markSummer has ended, and our temperatures are gradually dropping. Soon, it won’t be long before we’re firing up our heaters. If that’s the case, why would we be talking about replacing your air conditioner? Now that the worst is over, can’t we put it off until next year?

You could—in fact, that’s what many homeowners do—but we don’t think it would be wise. We’ll explain why below.

The Demand for AC Is Lower in Fall

Getting services done in the off-season is the best tip for staying ahead of the curve.

This summer, we were swamped with calls for AC repairs. We hate to do it, but that means every new call is another person who we have to put at the very bottom of the list. They’re most likely suffering in the heat from a broken air conditioner, but so are several of the other people in our list. If your air conditioner needs repairs or a full replacement in the middle of summer, there’s no way we can guarantee immediate service.

But that doesn’t mean we aren’t busy in the fall in winter. But during this time, your need for a functioning AC won’t be so high. You can schedule air conditioning service in Deptford, NJ, weeks in advance and not be bothered.

More Time to Research and Plan AC Options

We’re not trying to hide it from you—air conditioners aren’t cheap. They’re an investment you’ll need to be satisfied with for almost two decades. There are a lot of factors to consider when purchasing one, like if you’re going to still be living in the same home, if you’ll be taking on some extra expenses in the future—there are an endless number of factors, and we can’t know what they are.

Now, imagine if you had to make a decision to buy a brand-new air conditioner in the middle of summer. It’s the hottest day of the year, and your AC just gave out. Your options are to get a new AC, or hold out and suffer. It’s possible you’ll make a decision you could regret later on.

You Can Evaluate the AC’s Summer Performance

The end of summer gives you a chance to evaluate your AC’s performance. Before you get too far into the heating season, you can start getting help to find out why your AC isn’t performing at its best.

For example, one common reason is hot spots. These are the areas of your home that simply don’t get any cooler. The wrong way to respond to them is by turning up the cold air! This is inefficient and will only make the rest of your home too cold. If this is how you’ve been treating your AC this summer, then it might be time to consider installing a ductless heat pump in that hot room. You’ll then be able to control the temperature manually.

Is it time for your AC to get replaced this fall? Contact Climate Mechanics today!

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Choose Climate Mechanics

Maintaining the ideal climate inside your house or business doesn’t have to be difficult. All it requires is working with the right HVAC contractors who are committed to doing the best job each time.

Climate Mechanics LLC is a family-owned-and-operated heating and cooling services company. Our NATE-certified technicians are not only excellent mechanics, but they’re also trained in customer service and can answer all your questions.

We have over 25 years in the industry, and we work with all makes and models of heating and cooling equipment. We have earned a reputation for doing heating and air conditioning repair right the first time.

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