Air Duct Cleaning

Affordable services from Cherry Hill’s HVAC contractor of choice

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Protect Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality With Regular Duct Cleaning Services

One of the most important ways to keep your indoor air pure and clean — as well as ensure the long life of your heating and cooling systems — is to keep your air ducts clean. When you work with Climate Mechanics, we use advanced technology to thoroughly clean your air ducts in a fraction of the time and cost of our competitors. Call today to get a free estimate.

Why Get Your Air Ducts Cleaned With Climate Mechanics?

redcheck 5ca39855581aaAdvanced Rotobrush® tools to get a deep clean

redcheck 5ca39855581aaAffordable HVAC maintenance programs

redcheck 5ca39855581aaTrained and certified HVAC contractors with proven results

redcheck 5ca39855581aaLower utility bills and keep your HVAC system in great shape

redcheck 5ca39855581aaAnd more!

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Climate Mechanics is a Cherry Hill HVAC contractor who specializes in heating and air conditioning repair and installation. We also do the very important work of air duct cleaning.

“My air ducts need to be cleaned?” People often ask this question when they hear that HVAC companies offer duct cleaning services. Ductwork is hidden in homes, installed between walls and in attics.

It’s no surprise homeowners rarely think about them and assume they’re doing the job they’re supposed to. Yet dust and dirt build up in the ventilation system over time, and this eventually leads to consequences like high utility bills, dusty home air, and even damaged ACs and heaters.

Cleaning air ducts isn’t a basic job: it requires HVAC professionals with advanced equipment. Climate Mechanics LLC can do a great job for your ductwork cleaning in the Cherry Hills, NJ area. We aim to get jobs done right the first time, and we’ve earned a reputation for following through. How can we change your climate—and improve your HVAC system—today?

The Reasons Cleaning Air Ducts Is Important

Think of the ductwork inside a house as if it were lungs. If you have a nose congested from a cold, your lungs have to work harder to draw in air. The same is true with a home’s ventilation system.

When dust and dirt start to build up along the ductwork walls, it places a restriction on the airflow. The blower fan for the AC and heater must work harder and drain more power. And you know what that means: higher utility bills.

Cleaning the ducts doesn’t just help you save money on energy costs over the year. Removing the dust and lint in the ducts helps protect the air conditioner and heater, it keeps the air in your home cleaner, and helps keep the house cleaner as well.

How Often Do I need to Schedule Duct Cleaning?

The frequency varies from home to home. The average six–room house circulates approximately 40 pounds of dust through the ventilation system annually. This may require duct cleaning every three years or so.

Smaller homes may need it less often. It really depends on the level of dust and other debris entering the ducts. You can always ask our experts, and they’ll be glad to answer any of your questions. And, if you’ve never had duct cleaning done before, you’re probably due for it!

Ductwork Cleaning with Professionals

You can’t take care of ductwork cleaning with just a long–hose vacuum. The ventilation system is extensive, and it requires specialized tools to clean them out.

Our HVAC services professionals use the best in state-of-the-art technology to see that each duct cleaning job we do is thorough and will give customers a few years of excellent performance from their ventilation systems.

We use the best Rotobrush® tools for duct cleaning. These include negative air equipment, which helps to agitate dust and dirt from the duct walls, and powerful rotary brushes capable of reaching deep into the ductwork.

Cleaning Your Ducts in Cherry Hill, NJ

It’s not just the great Rotobrush® tools we use that should make Climate Mechanics LLC your #1 choice for duct cleaning.

We are also committed to your family’s comfort and indoor air quality, and our service professionals are not only trained in doing their job, but also trained in keeping up great communication with you.

Doing the work right and keeping customers satisfied are why we’ve been in business for more than 25 years. Contact us today to schedule ductwork service in Cherry Hill, NJ.

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