Winter and summer are the times of years when temperatures can reach extremes. You may be looking for ways to stay comfortable and save money at the same time. Are you debating whether to make use of the auto settings on your thermostat? Here are some reasons why this may be a great way to conserve energy and money.
#1: The Auto Setting Uses Less Energy
The main reason why you should use the auto settings on your thermostat is to save energy. Keep in mind that your fan only runs during the cooling cycle. As a result, a great deal less energy will be expended in the long run.
When you factor in this money saving downtime over the course of a whole season, you’ll have a good idea of just how money you have managed to save.
#2: The Fan Will Run at the Slowest Speed
Using the auto settings will also ensure that the fan will run at the slowest possible speed. It will continue to do so for the duration, which in this case means the least amount of time necessary. Once again, the optimal result is money being saved.
#3: The Auto Setting Cools Down Your System
Leaving your thermostat in the on position will cause it to run continuously with no breaks. This can be a fire hazard in addition to costing you money. Your best bet will be to turn it to “off” in order to give your system a much-needed rest.
Keep in mind that these are only a few of the many reasons why using the auto setting on your thermostat is an excellent idea. Feel free to contact Climate Mechanics LLC for more information on this and other related matters.